Rachel Jouan (Toulouse) and Lisa Russo (Paris) will take part to understanding and creativity collective workshops to detect the needs and shared wishes of the stakeholders (1st workshop) and to clarify and enhance the challenges to deal with (2nd workshop). They will also go to the 36-to-48-hours-long “innovation marathon” to imagine and develop innovative solutions to deal with the challenges imposed on.
C3: Supported by the Central Secretariat for public action modernisation and by the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, the C3 (Climate Change Challenge) is an action developed by Météo-France, La Mêlée, the IGN, the CNES, Etalab and the MNHN. Toulouse, Nantes, Lyon and Paris are rallying for this challenge which will be inaugurate on May the 26th in Paris, under the patronage of Ségolène Royal, Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy and of Axelle Lemaire, Secretary of State in charge of the digital.
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